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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Two New Catholics Today

Here is one of the newest members of the Catholic Church and Our Parish

I had the honor of baptizing two infants today. As we were beginning the sacramental celebration we were reminded that today was the "Feast of the Holy Family" and just how special the family is regarding the development of the spirituality of a child.

Yes our words are important, but it really is our actions that teach the most. I reminded the parents and god-parents that baptizing a child into the faith also comes with it responsibility. We then have a responsibility to live a life consistent with Christ's teachings. Living a life of secularism or even worse paganism while pledging to raise a child in the faith can only be considered sinful and counter-christian.

It is one thing to live a life of sin, or of luke warm faith, but to form a child in such a faith life would be prohibiting the one that you vowed to care for, to protect, to form, to live a life of God's grace and love.

No I didn't use such strong words today when talking to the gathering, I spun it much softer, but the meat of the message was the same..... I think they got it.

It was a joyful celebration. Both families had a huge number of friends and family members to watch and support such a magnificent event.

There is something so powerful when witnessing the faith of parents and god-parents and the reaction when those special words are said while the water is poured upon their tiny heads: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Neither child cried, they just both looked at me directly in the eye.....

What a holy and special moment!

My favorite part of every baptism is at the end when I am privileged to say "this is the most important day of the child's whole life. Through the grace and power of baptism, they can now call God 'Father' and they are a Christian. They are allowed entrance into heaven and ever-lasting life."

Thank you Lord for this special day
and allowing me to serve you and others through Your grace.

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