Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two Brothers Hiking Through The Forrest - Spiritual and Tranquil

Let us begin the Hike!

Although it was an 80 degree day, it was just perfect in the shade of the trail.

The trail followed the creek.... the water provided a tranquil noise.

Every now and then we would stop just to take in the beauty around us.....

At times we found ourselves in a meadow, only to be led back into the forest.

I just love the hikes in which they are new to us, we never know what is around the corner.

We even had to exert some effort a few times.... It was classified as a moderate hike..... 7.4 miles.

Once again, this was a hike that had us crossing a few streams....

So the shoes came off.... I think I convinced Dan to buy some waterproof boots.

Putting the shoes back on.....

There was so much water due to the heavy rains and snow this year.

Each rest stop provided an opportunity to reflect on our lives, our blessings, and God's presence in our lives.

There is just something so special about being in the wilderness.

Even though Dan and I now weigh the same, he reminded me that he is younger and is much more "MACHO."

We became experts at Rock Hopping since around every corner we needed to cross a stream (Creek).


Almost there!

I think I can see something.... Is it the Fall?

WOW! Lets check this out!

What I am beginning to find out is that when you think you reached the top, it isn't always the Top, there is often more to be seen.

It just might require being a little adventurous.

You wont want to miss seeing this!

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