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Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Favorite Time Of Year - Christmastime

Our Parish Christmas Card 
(Photo by Mackenzie Kearns)

For so many, Thanksgiving is such a special time of year, probably because of families uniting and for giving thanks for all the blessings and comforts of our lives.

But for me, I truly love Christmas Time. I stay clear of the buying and shopping frenzies, but take the time to slow down, visit more with friends and family, to do simple acts of kindness for others, and reflect on the gift from our Father, the gift of Jesus.

We are about to begin Advent, this is a time of preparation.

Preparation for what?

Not preparing for a reenactment of Christ's birth, the birth we do honor and remember, but  a time for preparing for his return.

When Jesus does chose to return, his second coming, that will be it.......

I often reflect on if that day was to be today, am I ready? Did I live my life today as if today I would meet Jesus, and would I feel comfortable with my actions presenting them to our Lord? I then think about my past week, month, and even year. I question myself in regard to; am I living a life that that I would be proud to present to Christ.

Our whole life should be a preparation for that physical encounter with Christ. But, all so often we slowly veer off track, and at times, more off track than others. However, Christmastime is a beautiful season to straighten our life course.

So, enjoy the beautiful music, the festivities, and family and friends, but make it a point to daily reflect on your actions, your friendships, your passions, and your current state in life. Are you ready to stand before Christ and present yourself....... Will He say "Welcome, my good and faithful servant, come stay with me for all eternity?"

For some, this is a perfect time to start anew, for others, it is a time for a small self tune-up.

Merry Christmas

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Happy Thanksgiving, and a Blessed Christmas too to you and yours.

God bless.