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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Men In-Motion Winter Retreat 2011

Check out our adventure

The 2011 Winter Men's Retreat

What a great time being with such a great group of men.

Yes - we did build 3 Quinzies and slept in them.

First you build a foundation.

Then you mark off the floor area.

This is an important step so you can find the floor level once you start digging....

Then you start building the mountain of snow.

Then we had a little help from Mr. Snow Blower......

It wouldn't of been a true men's retreat without a few power tools!

We work as a team.

Time to start digging in and then up to the floor level.

Everyone took turns as the tunnel rat!

It wasn't long and then we had 3 Quinzees.

A little tired but happy with a job well done.

Don't tell the other guys.... but.... our Quinzee was the best.

See, Even Dennis thought our Quinzee was the best.

A few custom features began to pop up.

Go Paul!

What a great day!

Mark and Father Jonathan

Cliff and Mark

The final results

What a blessing to have Mass each day.

We all took turns participating / assisting at Mass.

The Eucharist.... Source and Summit of our lives.

Mass was casual, but reverent and Holy.

It would not have been an authentic "In-Motion" retreat without some motion.

The Cross-country experience.

Snow Shoeing.

Yes... Danger is our middle name.

2 hours later, almost back to the cabin.

Time for Food and Fellowship.

Each meal was a feast.

Those Macho Men can also cook.

Don't you just love the head lamp..... Cooking in the dark is no problem at a Men's Retreat!

Each man was part of a team responsible for one meal prep and cleaning...... Great job guys!

And then we had the "Men Games," how high could two teams of 8 men build a tower in 5 minutes?

and when we looked up, what did we see, but a statue of Mary and the King?????

We could not believe it....... Miracle?

You be the judge....... the men just threw the last chunk of snow on the top in the last few seconds of the challenge to see who could get the highest tower within the 10 minute limit and what does it look like to you?

Who said "We should go sledding?" 

I think we mastered the art of downhill sledding.

But all good retreats leave a little time for rest.....

Relaxing by the fire 

3 1/2 days of Adventure, Prayer, Fellowship, Good Eating, A few spirits.......And we have be nourished and ready to once again fight the good fight...... Live as Catholic Men: Strong, United, and Fervent for our Faith.

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