Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Spiritual Battle For The White House

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I Met Jeffrey Daly yesterday at a book signing..... He gave me his book and I can't put it down. It is well worth reading with great insights and a wonderful history lesson showing God's hand upon, and the faith of our founding fathers.

Jeffrey Daly is a Christian attorney, and since 1999, pastor at Jesus Christ Fellowship church in Lake County, California. He earlier attended church from time to time but had no experience of the reality and power of the Holy Spirit until he had an epiphany one night in 1991. 

As a New Ager at that time he was preparing to argue the next day with a visiting Christian. To prepare, Jeff started to read the Gospel of St. John. One verse then changed his life, John 7: 18: “He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.” He immediately saw how he and others in the New Age were “speaking for themselves” making themselves their own “god.” 

He prayed to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. He became a new creation in Christ with a whole different perspective on life. In 1999 he felt a call on his life to be a pastor while continuing his work as an attorney, and he has been blessed with a wonderful church family, basing its fellowship on the model of the first believers in Jerusalem, described in the Book of Acts. 

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