It's Sunday morning and my wife and kids are still asleep. The early morning is one of my favorite parts of the day due to the quiet and stillness. I often think of our busy lives and all the noise, distraction, and confusion within our day. I think of God sending little graces and insights to us but we are unable to hear them due to the noise. Have you ever noticed that within silence you can really hear yourself think? When it is calm and quiet is when we can ponder ideas, thoughts and open ourselves up for God's inspirations. I was visiting a group a ladies in Jail last week and even though they are locked up they even complained of the noise in their lives. They complained of the inner noise, their thoughts. We talked about a simple reflection that anyone can do at night to help with that conection with God. The ladies were to hold these thoughts while they were laying in bed just before sleep. Who did God put in my life today and what was God trying to teach me? It is often with simple encounters that happen each day that God is attempting to teach us. Are we really being observant? My motto for the day will be stillness....God's peace,Pat
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