Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


It appears that my mom is nearing the end of her life and many decisions must be made regarding how we precede. She doesn't have one of the well know terminal illnesses, but rather a serious infection that has now drained her of her reserves and also her will to keep fighting. She really hasn't eaten much for about a month.

As many of you already know, I have 5 brothers (and 1 sister in heaven.) Yes, 6 boys.
Seeing and realizing that your mother is dying, and that you really cannot prevent it, can bring out so many different kinds of emotions, especially in 6 different men.

Most people who have encountered my mom, truly love her. Almost everyone can see something very special in her, and faithful people cannot walk away from her without noticing her deep and humble faith. I cannot tell you how many people have said, " I met your mom the other day, she is so special, I want to see her again, and by the way, she is a SAINT." I must have had at least 30 people over the last few years that have told me how wise my mother is and how they just love to be around her. And surprising enough, people of all ages make return visits on their own to her small room at an assisted living facility, just to be near her, visit her, and listen to her.

When you visit with my Mom, you might initially see her flat mask-like affect, and the shaking of her hands and arms due to her Parkinson's disease. You might notice the white hair and wrinkles, you might have even experienced a little craziness from time to time as a result of her Bipolar disorder. But, it only takes being in her mist for a short while that you begin to see her sincere love of people, her intimate and real relationship with God, and her purity of spirit that is so refreshing. She can see things in people that usually go unnoticed by everyone else. Once you have seen "the person" within her shell, you no longer can see the shell, only the goodness that beams from her being.

My Mom will soon meet my Dad in heaven, she has suffered for over 40 years. Her physical and mental suffering has been well beyond what most of us could ever image, and never have I heard her complain once. This beautiful lady has taught us so much and has been a humble example of God's special treasure, shared with us here on earth, at least for a time.

I look forward with faith to the peace that is soon to follow for her, rejoicing in the presence of our Lord, with my Dad and my sister at her side. When my time is due, and I have completed God's plan for me, I will be with my Mom once again for all eternity in heaven.......This is only a "See you soon" Mom...

I Love You Mom.....


Anonymous said...

Dear Pat and Family,
I have seen your Mother humbly accept her suffering with a beautiful smile on her face. Usually we have to wait for canonization and books to learn fron saints, but she is an example of Christian obedience and humility within our midst. I thank God and you, Pat, for the opportunity to have known her. Your family will be in our prayers for your loss when she leaves you for God.
Ed Drewsen

Anonymous said...

awesome bro. very well said, you have captured mom's spirit perfectly.

Anonymous said...

opps, sorry, meant to tell you this was me, kevin. sorry, a bit scattered here in china.