Deacon Pat's Books

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Friday, November 02, 2007

Mary - Last Nights RCIA Class

Last Night Liz and I had the opportunity to help guide the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) class at our church.

The theme of the class was MARY.

It was a very special class for me because of how much my mother loved Mary.

Not long before my mother died, she looked up towards heaven, smiled the biggest and most peacful smile I had ever seen, and voiced "MARY, MARY, MARY," just as if she was looking right at Mary and Mary was there to comfort her and walk her the rest of the way home.

My father also loved Mary sooo much, He prayed his rosary every day and I can just imagine, raising 6 boys, the prayers and thoughts he meditated on while reciting the prayers of the rosary.

People have sometimes asked me "why do catholics pray to Mary, or worship Mary."

I think there is a misunderstanding.

We (Catholics) Worship the Trinity (God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit.)

We Honor Mary.

We ask Mary to pray for us or with us, but always directing the prayers to the Trinity.

Who wouldn't honor Mary. Mary was the chosen one by God to be the Mother of Jesus. Her faith and acceptance is a model for all christians.....

1 comment:

Lizzy K said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS VIDEO & SONG... and I thank God for the God-incidence in which he sent it to us!!!

I love you Pat.

Great job on the class BTW.

Oh, and nice "surprise" where you talked about "walking Mom home" which made me cry (now I know why you didn't tell me you were gonna do that!) SMILE