My wife never liked the idea of the Harry Potter Books and because so, our kids did not read them. She always thought that the author had an ulterior motive in her writings and would eventually lead the readers astray. Well, my wife was correct. Below is a short article from Zenit. www.zenitenglish@zenit.org that describes the issue.
The Treachery of J.K. Rowling
One of the bitterest blows of last week was J.K. Rowling's betrayal of her readers. Author of the beloved Harry Potter books, Rowling casually announced during a book reading of the last installment of the seven-part epic, that her character Dumbledore was homosexual.
For those of you who never fell under the spell of these books, Harry Potter is a boy magician who attends a magic school called Hogwarts. Together with his friends, Harry fights the ultimate force of evil, represented by Lord Voldemort, and is assisted by the school headmaster, Dumbledore, a paradigm of wisdom, courage and self-sacrificing love.
Over the 10 years that these books have been published, some Christians lamented that so many children were reading books that presented magic as harmless.
Many parents, myself included, thought the books were simply fun, the author's presentation of magic merely a harmless device, and were pleased that the stories clearly presented good and evil without blurring the lines between the two.
But now, Rowling, who is now the wealthiest woman in England thanks to the lack of political, social or moral propaganda in her books, has indeed blurred those lines. The last book completed, her bank account safely assured, she disclosed that the beloved headmaster was a homosexual and that many of his actions resulted from a frustrated love for another man.
My first thought was frankly, yuck! My second was a mounting rage as I realized the scope of Rowling's deceit. She wrote seven books without discussing homosexuality. Even Severus Snape, who for six of the stories appeared as the one character who might be described as having effeminate tendencies, turns out to have been motivated toward good by the love for a woman.
J.K. Rowling crafted Dumbledore as a father figure, and through the years Harry Potter, and through him, countless children learned to rely on his wisdom. Dumbledore was inseparable from his school, his devotion to Hogwarts and his students as complete and all consuming as a marriage. For young and old readers, Dumbledore signified safety and stability.
The charismatic Harry Potter defended his headmaster tooth and nail against all odds, even when faced with ridicule, torture and death, and through him children learned to do the same.
Now, with her books sold and millions of children committed, the author tries to turn Dumbledore into a poster child for the gay lobby. Rowling's wilful deception and wrongful manipulation of young people is worthy of her own Death Eaters.
How are we now to understand those hours between Harry and Dumbledore, spent in the privacy of the latter's closed office? How are we to understand their friendship that seemed so noble, so pure and so uplifting?
One wonders what Dante Alighieri, another writer who navigated readers through the supernatural, might think. Dante, banished, poor and writing as he wandered from town to town, knew well the power of literature and the responsibility of those who write.
He might find a place for Rowling among those condemned for fraud, like Bertran de Born, a troubadour whose songs delighted and charmed courts far and wide, but feeling himself fit for politics, divided father and son, falsely advising the young king of France.
But the Florentine poet fully understood the gravity of treachery and relegated traitors to the lowest pit in the Inferno, near Judas and Brutus eternally imprisoned in the mouth of Lucifer.
There, where those who earned love, accepted love and then betrayed love are encased in thick ice, the gelid air comes from the frozen souls who took trust and deceived it.
And no amount of magic or money can warm it.
The Treachery of J.K. Rowling
One of the bitterest blows of last week was J.K. Rowling's betrayal of her readers. Author of the beloved Harry Potter books, Rowling casually announced during a book reading of the last installment of the seven-part epic, that her character Dumbledore was homosexual.
For those of you who never fell under the spell of these books, Harry Potter is a boy magician who attends a magic school called Hogwarts. Together with his friends, Harry fights the ultimate force of evil, represented by Lord Voldemort, and is assisted by the school headmaster, Dumbledore, a paradigm of wisdom, courage and self-sacrificing love.
Over the 10 years that these books have been published, some Christians lamented that so many children were reading books that presented magic as harmless.
Many parents, myself included, thought the books were simply fun, the author's presentation of magic merely a harmless device, and were pleased that the stories clearly presented good and evil without blurring the lines between the two.
But now, Rowling, who is now the wealthiest woman in England thanks to the lack of political, social or moral propaganda in her books, has indeed blurred those lines. The last book completed, her bank account safely assured, she disclosed that the beloved headmaster was a homosexual and that many of his actions resulted from a frustrated love for another man.
My first thought was frankly, yuck! My second was a mounting rage as I realized the scope of Rowling's deceit. She wrote seven books without discussing homosexuality. Even Severus Snape, who for six of the stories appeared as the one character who might be described as having effeminate tendencies, turns out to have been motivated toward good by the love for a woman.
J.K. Rowling crafted Dumbledore as a father figure, and through the years Harry Potter, and through him, countless children learned to rely on his wisdom. Dumbledore was inseparable from his school, his devotion to Hogwarts and his students as complete and all consuming as a marriage. For young and old readers, Dumbledore signified safety and stability.
The charismatic Harry Potter defended his headmaster tooth and nail against all odds, even when faced with ridicule, torture and death, and through him children learned to do the same.
Now, with her books sold and millions of children committed, the author tries to turn Dumbledore into a poster child for the gay lobby. Rowling's wilful deception and wrongful manipulation of young people is worthy of her own Death Eaters.
How are we now to understand those hours between Harry and Dumbledore, spent in the privacy of the latter's closed office? How are we to understand their friendship that seemed so noble, so pure and so uplifting?
One wonders what Dante Alighieri, another writer who navigated readers through the supernatural, might think. Dante, banished, poor and writing as he wandered from town to town, knew well the power of literature and the responsibility of those who write.
He might find a place for Rowling among those condemned for fraud, like Bertran de Born, a troubadour whose songs delighted and charmed courts far and wide, but feeling himself fit for politics, divided father and son, falsely advising the young king of France.
But the Florentine poet fully understood the gravity of treachery and relegated traitors to the lowest pit in the Inferno, near Judas and Brutus eternally imprisoned in the mouth of Lucifer.
There, where those who earned love, accepted love and then betrayed love are encased in thick ice, the gelid air comes from the frozen souls who took trust and deceived it.
And no amount of magic or money can warm it.
Deseo que tengo dirección del E-mail del amy así que podría escribirla. Amy, no soy exactamente seguro qué usted está intentando decir, pero, no tengo aversión cualquier persona, el dios creó todos nosotros como buena gente y las cosas o las personas que son buenos. Algunas cosas que lo hacemos no son buenas, eso no significan que no somos buenos. Homosexualality no es bueno. El dios nunca pensó a dos personas para ser sexual con uno a, allí es tan muchas referencias en la biblia que apoyaría tal comentario, así como muchos ejemplos de la ley natual. Todavía amo a toda la gente, no entiendo mal por favor. No lo estoy juzgando como persona, apenas el acto sinful.... Con amor y paz, Patrcio Kearns www.patkearns@sbcglobal.net
Amy has left a new comment on your post "The Golden Compass":
no hablo ingles, pero con todo respeto, creo que cada uno tiene derecho a formarse su propia respuesta frente a algo.
Si bien es cierto que tienes buenas intenciones, en la vida no es bueno ni saludable, generalizar.
la fantasia es fantasia y es asombrosa, nos aleja de la realidad y nos hace sentir que no hay limites y que podemos mas.
no he visto la pelicula, pero si quiero comprarme los libros.
la cosa es que porsupuesto que los padres tiene el derecho de proteguer a sus hijo pequeños, de lo que consideran dañino para sus espiritus, pero tambien es cierto que no se puede obligar a un hijo ya grande a hcer cosas que no desea hacer y en las cuales no cree.
que estes bien
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