Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Humbled Once Again........

I just spent the last two days at Sean's basketball Tournament where I did a great job yelling at the Ref's.
I didn't have too much of a problem helping them realize what calls I thought were "Bad calls."
I am a much better coach than I am a fan
(I did coach youth sports for 10 years),
But seriously, I am working at trying to not be an obnoxious fan.
I still need a lot more practice however.
Well, back to the story:
The tournament was now over and I was somewhat embarrassed by my behavior,
and what does the coach ask me to do?
He asked me to stand at mid-court in this huge gym, take the microphone, and close the Christian Tournament with a public prayer.
That means standing in front of all the people who just watched me yell relentlessly at the refs.
How do you think I felt, Leading 100's of people in prayer after they just watched me act
"not so Christian."
Well, another lesson learned in humility.
Looking at the bright side: I am thankful that in all my yelling, I at least didn't personally attack them, I just tried to help them make their calls.
(OK, enough rationalization)
I will try to be better and much more humble....
God must just look down at me and laugh as he places me in situations that will eventually help me part from my imperfections......

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