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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lenten Preparation

Many of you already know that Lent is a very special time of year for Catholics. It is a time to make a change in your life, at least for 40 days, that will help you grow closer to God and to prepare yourself for Easter.

Many years ago we started a tradition of giving up TV for Lent, this tradition continued for a few years and then we finally decided that TV really wasn't helping us grow closer to God, but rather away from God. Sooo, We have not had TV for 4 years now and it was one of the best decisions that we have even made.

Well, Lent is not all about giving things up forever, but it is a time for sincere self-reflection and prayer.

This year, we as a family decided that we would all give up the internet during Lent in order to free up time for additional prayer. We also plan to meet as a family each night for evening prayer (Liturgy of the Hours). It was a lot of fun planning with the whole family on how we could work together for 40 days to grow closer to God.

Since we follow the tradition that we adhere to our Lenten commitment each day with the exception of Sunday (Day of Celebration), my blogging will slow down, but please keep me and my family in your prayers.

I'll check in with you on Sundays during Lent (February 6, 2008 - March 22, 2008).

God's peace to all of you.

1 comment:

Lizzy K... said...


Pray. Pray. Pray. Slow down. Slow down. Slow down.

This is the time to focus on the 'tougher' side of Jesus' life. But without this suffering, there wouldn't be a resurrection.

So although I love celebrating Easter in all of its glory; I truly love offering my time, deeper attention, more frequent prayers, to Christ's suffering. I do love lent!