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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sickness vs. Health

A lot has happened since my last posting....
Kevin (My Eldest Brother) was on vacation in the Philippines when he all of the sudden became very sick. He was rushed to the hospital and they reported that he had possibly perforated his bowel, had diverticulitis, a parasite, and a mass on his bowel.
He was in constant and excruciating pain, and since initially they did not know the extent of his abdominal injury, they would not medicate him.
He endured agony.
After about a week, he suddenly started to get better, he avoided surgery, and was able to return to the US. He is now feeling much better and following-up with specialist.
So many of our friends were praying for him......Thank You

What is the message that is contained in suffering?

I cannot really tell you since I have not experienced severe physical suffering in my life. But I do know many people who have, very spiritual people. My mother suffered a lot in her life. My brother Kevin stated that amidst his suffering, he connected and could finally relate with our mother's suffering that she endured for years without complaint.

Kevin stated that there were many lessons learned from this episode, he is not free of all concern as of yet, but he feels better, and the severity has subsided, at least for now.

I cannot speak from experience, but rather theoretically, suffering seems to also offer a perspective that is only available through pain. When one experiences difficulty just existing, all other additional elements in life are thrown to the wayside, and one can focus in on just the core elements in life.

So what are those core elements:
Friends, Family, Faith, and Love.

I don't look forward to trials and pain, but knowing how much we can grow while enduring the struggle should be considered when anticipating some of the trials that so many of us will endure within our lifetime.

Please keep my Good Brother Kevin in your thoughts and prayers.

Kevin on the left, My son Sean on the right.

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