Today was a great and beautiful day. We gathered as a group to meet and pray and then take turns carrying a ~100 lb cross 7 miles to our parish for the Good Friday services.

Walking through the country sharing in Christ's passion.

Sean leading us in a station while everyone listens, GO SEAN!!!!

Here is Michum, a catechumen who be initiated into the catholic church tomorrow night after a year of preparation.

My Refection
I must say, it was a lot of fun and fellowship until I took a turn carrying the cross. Something very significant happened to me while I was carrying the cross, I somehow felt very connected to Christ and his suffering.
When I felt the pain on my shoulder, I somehow felt as if to a small degree, I could feel the pain that Christ felt, I also felt the weight of the sins that Christ must of felt. When I touched the nails on the cross, I couldn't help but feel that the nails were symbolic for our sins that penetrated Jesus.
At one point, as I carried the cross, an overwhelming feeling encompassed me and I felt short of breath. Somehow, in a mystical way, I was connected to my Lord and Savior in a special and unique way, making this day very special.
Some of the group after the walk.
To see more pictures and video from the day click on this link
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