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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Rosary Bowl with Bishop Soto

We had a great day with the bishop. Bar B Que, Rosary, Concert, and friendships....

Fun Playing FrisbeeGood FoodMore Good Food.

Procession around the stadium. More of the procession.

Human Rosary that covered a whole football field. Each person represented a bead.

Human Rosary

Father and Son at the foot of the Cross
Mackenzie (My daughter) lead a decade of the rosary. She did a great Job..

The evening ended with a concert, dancing, great music and fellowship.....
The band was The Thirsting (A Catholic rock band)

To See More pictures from the Event Click Here

To hear music from the Thirsting Click Here
(I warn you, This is a group My Kids Like)


Keith said...

I am sending your blogsite to my lady friend, Fredericka Krisma (Ricka) who is most instrumental in encouraging me to teach overseas. She is in Jakarta, and has continued praying her novenas ever since we met. It is amazing where our faith can bring us

Santiago Chiva, Granada said...

I can see that you like the Rosary. Probably you know the Youtube video “May feelings”. Young students of Universities of Madrid say reasons pray the holy rosary. (in Spanish, with english subtitles)
See it:
It is one of the most watched videos on Youtube in May.

Santiago (Granada, Spain)