Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ordination at the Cathedral (Blessed Sacrament - Sacramento)

Preparing for the Rite of Ordination
All 17 of us prostrate on the ground during the Litany of Saints.
The Bishop, laying his hands on my head, completing the tradition of "The laying on of hands by the Bishop," that can be traced back all the way to the apostles (2000 years ago), keeping the unbroken succession present only in the Catholic Church.
He we are walking back to our wives so they can vest us with
the Deacon Stole.
Here is Liz making sure that the stole is in the right place. Then my friend Father Vince vested me with the Dalmatic.
I am then sent back to the altar for the completion of the ordination ceremony.
After to Ordination Rite, the deacons of the church come one by one to welcome us to the church as co-ministers.
The Altar Boy of the left, holding the candle is my son Sean.
He was able to participate in the ordination ceremony, what a gift that was.
(Can you see me behind Sean, Kinda Like Where's Waldo!)

Mackenzie and Liz

Deacon Pat

After the reception, All 5 of my brothers and their families, joined our family for Pizza and a cold beer. I truly enjoyed sharing the ordination with my family.

Thank You to all the parishioners, friends, and family that were present for the ceremony and celebration.

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