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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Traditional (Orthodox) Catholics

After the 1960's the church took a major shift toward liberalism. It (liberalism) infected the seminaries and produced priests with a very liberal slant.
The pendulum is now swinging back to the center and appears to be resting in a more conservative / orthodox / traditional place.
The liberal priests are now in their 60's and 70's, if not already retired, and the new priests are much more traditional.
Even the vocations to religious life are booming in the orthodox orders and other more liberal orders seem to be dying off.
And what about our current Pope, can you say Orthodox.
I love our church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be lovely if we could have more EF Masses at the Cathedral? Do you knoe if Bishop Weigand has anything planned in the future>