Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Computer Problems

I am having computer problems so most of my blogging will be when we return on July 31st. We have experienced soooo much and I have great pictures to show, but they will have to wait until we get back in the states. We have met great people from not only Guatemala, but many other places as well. I love the work and the people, and the Kids love the cliff jumping...... I will fill you in next week.

Oh yes, I also have a great story about a small village by the name of La Puerta and ¨Feeding The 5 Thousand.¨ Actually, it will be my next Homily as well......But once again, I have pictures, so the story will have to wait until next week.

Que Le Vaya Bien,

Diacano Patricio

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