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Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Guatemala - San Lucas Toliman

We are beginning to become very excited about returning to Guatemala. We leave on July 17th and will spend the rest of the month in Guatemala.

I can hardly wait to see some of our friends. We will get a chance to see:

Who currently is a deacon and will be ordained a priest on August 9th.

Who will become a deacon in August.

Beto and Rut
Our local Spanish teacher from last year

Our dear and close friend who we adopted last year and fell in love with, and I think visa versa.

And so many more people as well

This year we also have two of my brothers coming with us.

Kevin and Tim will be able to share the wonderful experience of Guatemala and meet the special people of San Lucas Toliman and the surrounding villages.

God is so good to us.....

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