Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Are we Alive, Or Are We Dead and Stagnant?

Are you the same person today that you were a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago?
If you are......are you alive, are your growing, or are you just existing.
It can be so easy to get into a routine, a pattern, a way of life that is comfortable.
I often find myself thinking that I don't want to start something new, that takes work, and it might upset my comfort level.
Don't laugh, I don't thing this way of thinking is so rare.
However, if this life is a journey, don't we need to be traveling somewhere, or toward something.
Merely to just exist, really means that we are stagnant.
Once we lose the desire to grow, we also lose our ability to mature, to become additionally enlightened.
I once heard a saying that we at times find our own flame becoming dim and possibly even find our inner light extinguished. It is through contact with others, and their light, that our flames are reignited.
I don't mean that we need to throw away our current lives, and start a new life, but rather to build on our current lives and grow, mature, and allow our full potential to develop.
Most of us do not know or cannot even comprehend what we actually are capable of, especially when you add our God into the picture.
If we are not willing to step out of our comfort zones, experience new things, attempt the impossible at times, how will we ever truly know what is possible for us.
Think about your life.

Where is there opportunity, where is there desire, where is there room for growth?

Begin today........Start to open the door to enrichment, to life, to stimulation, to some anxiety, but also to opportunity.

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