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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Prayer before a meeting?

How many of us ask for God's help BEFORE we make a decision?
I know hundreds of people, myself included, who ask for God's help after an incident, or during an incident, but what about before?
I began to think about how many meetings take place throughout the world.
I myself begin each day in a meeting.
At 9:00 am every morning I meet in a room and hear a report from various hospital departments about what happened over the last 24 hours and then make decisions accordingly.
Do I always say a quick prayer before I enter the room - No.
I am embarrassed to say that I often forget about including God.
Sorry God.....
What if prior to every meeting we asked God to join us at the meeting, to help us see the bigger picture, to have His grace absorb us and give us strength, wisdom, and insight beyond our normal capabilities.
What do you think the outcome would be?
"Ask and you shall receive" - Words of Christ.
Join me in including and inviting God into our meetings, and when a difficult decision needs to be made, pause for a moment, ask for God's help in the quiet of our minds and hearts, listen to God, see him in others, and build up His kingdom here on earth.

If we allowed God into a greater portion of our lives, could you imagine the change that occur.

Click here to see another post with a special prayer from Vatican 2

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