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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Reunion (25 Years)

It was so much fun spending time with old friends. This is many of my classmates from graduation year 1983.
The room was full of people who attended the school from graduating classes 1980-1985.
This was Liz's class from 1982.
Liz was able to reconnect with many of her old friends. Well, "old friends" probably isn't a good choice of words......
Here are 4 great women from my class. They were the organizers of the event: Kate, Beth, Adel, and Dokie.

The next day, we met at a park for a picnic. It was so nice catching up of each other's lives. Here you see Sean at my side, it was so nice to see each other's kids.

I brought my old yearbook. It sure came in handy since so many people looked quite different. here is Liz doing a little research.

The park had a pool, so the kids swam while most adults visited. Hi Sean and Koots.

It sure was great reconnecting with our (Liz and My) past. In many ways it was a rule stick in regard to where we came from, who we once were, and who we have now become.
Liz stated that she really enjoyed the reunion but that she was also very glad to be home, back to our life, with a new appreciation to what a great life that we have. I ditto that.
I was so surprised to see how many people divorced, so many with children.
That sure saddened me.
I did also see a few great people with strong spiritual lives, good children, and expressing such gratitude for the life they are living.
Reunions are great for not forgetting who you are. Like it or not, these people, and the town, were a part of our lives and ultimately played a special role in the development of our lives.
This reunion was very humbling for me. I was a man without a mission in High School, unless you count self-pleasure and self-centerdness as a mission in life, which I guess some do, but seeing these people, people that I have not seen for up to 25 years, and knowing that many remember me as that person, was a very humbling experience.
However, there is virtue in facing your past, as long as it can be used for good.
I had one nice guy walk up to me and ask if I remembered him. I have to say that initially I really didn't. He proceeded to remind me that I punched him in the nose.......
I apologised and stated, "by the grace of God, I am not that person any longer."
I have forgotten so much of my past, I am sure that is not by mistake, but a blessing.
By the grace of God............We all can change and become the person we were originally created to be.

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