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Friday, August 22, 2008

Reunion This Weekend - Lindhurst High School, Class of 1983

Liz and I have a High School Reunion tomorrow.

We are lucky that we both attended the same school and that we both will actually know the people.

Liz and I were just discussing how much we have changed since High School, and that most people attending will be thinking the same thing.

I am still debating with Liz which one of us was the coolest in High School, I think I am wearing her down........

(Our Mascot - "The Blazers")

Hey Liz, just remember: "Home Coming King"

Like most High School Kids, I was a "legend in my own mind."

Go ahead and say it "Nice haircut"

Now I know where our kids got their good looks........ Their Mother.

Lindhurst High School

Olivehurst California

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