I coached Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer for ~ 10 years and a few years ago I decided to retire.
Well, I was asked to help coach a football team this year and after a lot or prayer and thought I agreed.
We have started practices and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the kids.
Yes, I do love sports, but you wouldn't think of me as a fanatic like some people and coaches that I know.
I do love sports, especially for what it can do for a young person.
I have seen 100's of kids with little self esteem blossom before my eyes.
Once thinking that they could do almost nothing right, to building and sustaining self confidence.
I have seen kids with almost zero problem solving abilities, learn and develop the ability to not only solve problems but to anticipate problems and act upon them before they occur.
You are probably catching my drift where I an going with this.
To me, sports is not just about the game, but it is a venue into actual situations that are not unlike many situations that will occur in life. I have the ability to be a teacher and a guide, hopefully instilling in them tools and ideals that they can carry though their lives and apply them as they see fit.
Usually the kids have no idea what they have just learned, and how it can be applied to such a variety of issues in their lives, but that really doesn't matter.
They have learned the lesson, the virtue, and the ideal.

Pray that I will continue to be a fair, just,
and positive influence in the lives of the kids that I coach.
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