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Friday, September 12, 2008

Lies, Greed, Envy, Deception, Anger, Evil

Lies, Greed, Envy, Deception, Anger, Evil
These are the words that come to mind as I watched clips of the news and world events on the Internet tonight.
As I mentioned before, I consider myself an Political independent, with human causes and dignity held to a higher standard than any party.
However, I am appalled at what the media is trying to do the Sarah Palin. I have never seen such biased and hypocritical treatment, and such undeserved hatred. And, the hatred that has been unleashed through the Democratic Party: the democratic party who prides themselves as tolerant, open, an understanding.........What a joke.
I often wonder what God thinks as he watches his children creating such a mess.
I attempt to think of the relationship that is held between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I can imagine a relationship of equality. What about the question of who is in charge? I bet they would just laugh, never contemplating the question before.
When there is a true relationship, a bond of service, love, and compassion, does the idea of authority really ever come into the picture.
When you serve another out of love, and possess a desire to give of yourself in an effort to make the other feel loved, comfortable, and safe, where does power come into this situation?
It doesn't.
I watched the news from time to time and it makes me sick. Everything is based on image, success, and power.
Sharing your love with another, growing in relationship together, enjoying time together, helping each other become the best human being that we can possibly be, has nothing to do with image, success, and power.
So many people are either living in the past, or planning for the future, lacking the desire to live in the here and now. As humans we were created to live in the present.
Yet so many bypass present situations with their eyes only focused on the goal ahead of them, missing the present situation entirely. God lives in our lives in the here and now, not in our imaginary projections of the future.
Sin in the guise of: Lies, Greed, Envy, Deception, Anger, and Evil are engulfing God's people.
However, we must not lose hope.
God has the ability to give us new hearts and take away our stony hearts. He can take the worse of the sinners and fill them with grace and accept their repentance.
There is a spiritual battle happening right in our midst, do not negate this.
God has the ability to make it all go away, yet he allows our free will.
The day will come when we are to judge, or be judged, in the light of all truth: to see our actions and omissions clearly.
As Jesus said: Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do.
Yet, how many do not care to know what they are doing?
We, the humbled sinners, who have been given a little taste of God's grace, should not stand down, but spread the gospel, the good news, the saving grace.....
Join me in being a disciple of Gods love to this broken world, to be an instrument of healing, of love, of compassion, of forgiveness, but also to be a rock of strength and truth.
The words of truth have a special sound, emanates a unique aura, and settles on the heart in such a way that it cannot be denied.
Lets spread the truth that will set us free.
Let us stand Strong for our faith.
Let us help identify the evils of the world and insist that they do not continue.
Do not float in the stream of our current culture of death. Even dead fish can float down stream. We are to be strong, to swim against the current, against the culture of death, we are to prevail, we are to crush sin.

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