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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Must Things Get Worse Before They Get Better? (Psalm of Lament)

I look around and I see so much corruption.
I see so many who have never known a life greater than their own.
I watch the world around me crumble away as many choose decisions that will only help them, yet disregard what the long term effects might be on others and onto society.
I watch the media twist and turn events in order to trick and deceive people to further their own agenda.
I met a man yesterday who stated that he felt that people were generally bad. I disputed that as I don't feel that people are bad, but the opposite, are good at heart.
Yet they have been relentlessly been fed lies, tricked, and conditioned to dehumanize others.
Once a person has been dehumanized, then all sorts of behavior can be justified.
I have watched the unborn become dehumanized and killed by the millions.
I have watched the elderly become dehumanized and shunned out of society.
I have watched the retarded and the mentally ill become dehumanized and categorised as inferior.
I have seen jealousy and envy cultivated in people to turn cultures against each other, all to serve an agenda and to serve an individual purpose of self gain.
At times I become disheartened when I feel the weight of the evil forces at play in my world, and see how a human, that has been created in the likeness of God, can turn away from God and his ways, only to promote self gratification.
Oh the pain that I feel. I can only imagine how God's heart must ache when he watches his children turn toward darkness.
I only find rest and comfort when I remind myself that God will use all situations, even our bad choices, toward his greater good. Even the bad situations that we create, God's mystical hand can been seen in the after effects when an opportunity for redemption is revealed.
My inner strife is comforted when I an touched by the thousands of remarkable people who will never give up the fight toward truth.
I am but a humble soldier in an army of Christians who will give my all toward the fight against evil.
I pray for God's intercession that I can withstand the failings, the lost fights, to succeed in the battle that has been waged.
I pray to keep my peace and to withstand the attacks, and to always promote life.
At times I feel that God is allowing the deceit, not by his will, but through our free will, because He alone knows the big picture, and will used our own destruction to teach us a lesson.
I only hope the end of these lies, deception, and pain is near........
God, I pray, that you help right the wrongs, give wisdom to leaders, heal the injured, stop the corruption, stop the pain, stop all the hurt......
(My Psalm of Lament)

1 comment:

Deacon John said...

I share your pain, Pat; I am full of anxiety for our Country, and the world, but in my heart I hear Our Lady's words: "My Immaculate Heart will triumph and an era of peace and brotherhood will be granted to the world!" Like you and many others, I long for this peace and that Christ will reign in our hearts. God has won already! We just have to live out the moments until His Kingdom is established. At my age, I may see it from Heaven!
Deacon John