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Friday, October 17, 2008

Refelction of the Spiritual Journey

I often sit down at the computer after a long day of work to find a connection with my thoughts and my soul. You might find that a little unusual, but as for me, I sit down to write with a blank mind. I start to type and my spiritual thoughts begin to flow, almost unconscious of what is coming out of my mind. As you can imagine, my writing, although very sloppy and crude at times is my spiritual exercises. I can feel and see God's presence when I write.
So if you thought I was doing all this writing for you, well that is true, but it also feeds my soul and helps me to see God's presence and grace in my life.
I have been studying aspects of the spiritual journey and especially from the perspective of Saint Teresa of Avila. She noted that one of the biggest obstacles to progressing in the spiritual journey is to minimize the harm done by even the smallest of venial sins, how one can minimize and also disregard those "small sins" to the point that you allow them to reoccur without even notice.
In a way, it is like saying, "God I know you do not like this when I do it, but I am going to do it anyway to fulfill my own selfish need.
Can you see where this might lead.
We are called to be holy and to progress toward perfection. Yes, I am aware that we will fail and fall at times, but that doesn't mean that we should expect it and lower our self expectations. I am not saying that I can live a perfect life by my own doing, that would be a false statement for sure, but to be open to the power in God's grace and to have the faith of that possibility is not only my desire but my assured knowledge of our Lord.
I was reminded by a friend last night, Deacon Ray, of the words of Saint Teresa (UNSURE OF EXACT QUOTE) "For as sure as Jesus is the son of the Father, we are children of God."
Good night and God's peace to you.
Deacon Pat

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