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Friday, November 21, 2008

The Marriage Bed

Someone wrote to me and stated that they have been talking to a young mother who is struggling with contraception in her marriage and is trying to get across the idea of
"Why contraception is so wrong"
and asked if I had any thoughts on this issue.
So here are some of my thoughts:

Once you begin contraception, you begin to block the holiness of the relationship.
You begin withholding a piece of yourself from your spouse, removing God from the relationship, and are not truly giving all of yourself to each other.

Knowing or believing this concept or not, the reality of what I said is true and will have long lasting and destructive effects on the relationship. It is easy to rationalize why you should do this or that, but Contraception turns sex into just sexual pleasure, because you are putting into place a self will of taking God out of the picture.

Marriage is all about unity.
Marrital Sex is a part of the holiness of marriage, it is about two becoming one, not two becoming one but with exceptions........with barriers......With stipulations.....

Contraception takes the holiness out of marriage.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux:
"Take from the Church the honorable estate of marriage and the purity of the marriage bed (Heb. 13:14), and you will surely fill it with concubinage, incest, masturbation, effeminacy, homosexuality - in short, with every kind of filthiness (1 Cor. 6: 10)

Contraception removes holiness, sacredness, and divinity from the marriage.

Saint Frances de Sales:
"With the great apostle I say to you, "Husbands love your wives as Christ also loved the Church," (Eph. 5:25) and you wives, love your husbands as the Church loves her Savior. God brought Eve to Adam, our first father, and gave her to him in marriage. It was God too, my friends, with an unseen hand tied your holy marriage bond and gave you to one another. Why then do you not cherish each other with a completely holy, completely sacred, and completely divine love?"

Why would one chose through Contraception to destroy what God has given them through the holy sacrament of marriage ....

The rationalizing mind is the devils best tool.......

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