She stated that during a very painful situation in her life she experienced an event, not sure if it was an "out of body experience," or what you would call it, but knew it was from God.

It was amazing beyond belief........

She stated that the only way to describe what she felt would be to think of the love that a child must feel when they are in their mother's womb.

She stated that the only way to describe what she felt would be to think of the love that a child must feel when they are in their mother's womb.
The overwhelming feeling of love that God gave as a consolation to her during a time of horror, was so beautiful and powerful that she could not describe the feeling. She stated that it infused her whole being and left no part of her untouched.
She could not find any word to describe the power of the feeling except to say, that this Godly encounter could only be described by the power of love that must be felt by an infant surrounded in the womb of it's mother.......
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