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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009 at Whiskeytown Lake

What a Beautiful Day...... After Mass this morning, we loaded up the kayaks and drove to beautiful Whiskeytown Lake...... Yes, we are spoiled, 13 miles away is this great lake.

Yes, a little nuts!

We found this great cove and thought we would explore it.

When it got too hot, we just cooled off.
It appeared that we ran into a dead end.
But, wait..... is there more?

Through the tunnel.

Yes, the girls were a little scared, especially when we made bat noises!!!!!

Sean the swamp guide.
It turned into another beautiful adventure after the tunnel.

I don't think the sun bathing turtles were too disturbed by our visit.

The water was so clear that we could see schools of fish everywhere.

What a great day hanging out with my beautiful wife and kids......

We followed the inlet stream as far as we could and then turned around....

What a great adventure.

What a fun and relaxing day.

Thanks for a great Father's Day!


bill bannon said...

Very beautiful pictures.

Deacon Pat said...

Bill, I just visited you site http://www.bannonoceanart.com/ you are a very gifted artist. God always keep you!

Deacon Pat