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Monday, June 01, 2009

A Message from Christ?

Many believe that on the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His call to service.
Does the Church officially approve of these messages? I don't think so, but read the content, I don't think the messages are contrary to our faith, you decide for yourself.
June 1, 2009
Dear apostles, I ask that you remind yourselves each day that I am participating through you in the course of history. What comes from Me can only be good.
When you see goodness and kindness, you must thank Me. When you see mercy and compassion, you must thank Me. These occurrences originate in heaven and are brought to earth through the participation of those who cooperate with grace.
Always, there are those who claim to participate in grace, but who do not.
There are also those who claim to reject Me and yet they participate in grace by allowing goodness to flow through them. How confusing this can be for My children.
Dear children, ultimately, this will be clear, in that each man must answer yes or no in each moment. Be alert to the choices in your day. Be alert to the example you set for others in your decisions for good or evil. Be alert to the peace that I bring to you when you decide for what is good.
My apostles, you crave Me, I know. You crave My return into your world through a wide acceptance of the Spirit of peace. How can you satisfy this craving? I will tell you. In order to relieve the pangs of your hunger for goodness, you must bring goodness to others. Speak of goodness. Celebrate goodness. Rejoice in goodness and then try your best to participate in goodness through your cooperation with My renewal.
In this way you will know that you are never helpless against evil. You will understand that I have healing power, yes, and I can flow My healing power through each person who accepts their responsibility for bringing Me to others.
I am so pleased with My beloved apostles because you have accepted your tasks. How gratefully I listen when you pledge your allegiance each day. How I count on you.
Spend a moment considering what I have managed to do through your cooperation.
Have you shown kindness?
Have you tried to become holier?
Have you spread my message of compassion?
You are only one.
Now consider how many I have called into service at this time. Consider all of those I am calling into service through your service. Consider the healing graces that flow through My mercy.
My friends, all is well. The renewal continues.

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