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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Time to start the Exercise Program Again!

I have been attempting to get in shape or sometime now.
It has been a slow process with gradual gains and some backsliding at times.
I decided sometime back when I was nearing 300 lbs that I better make some changes or I would not be around for my wife and kids, nor would I be any good for God and ministry work.
I had been an athlete for years, I know how to work out, so I began to exercise and eat better and over time I lost ~ 50 lbs.
I was on a good roll (No Pun intended) and then we took our 30 day summer pilgrimage. My daily exercise program was interrupted as well as my routine and I have not exercised since.
We have been back almost 4 weeks now and it is time to take it to the next level.

Tomorrow morning my new routine starts.
My goal is to drop a final 40 lbs (Goal weight 200lbs.) This will feel a little funny, since I have always been a "BIG" guy, and at 200 lbs I will be drastically smaller, but I feel that God has plans for me and my health is a prerequisite.
Being overweight = Unhealthy.

For me, what has worked, is a balance of prayer and exercise, without God I can do nothing!

My new schedule:
5 AM:
wake -up
Sit-ups / push-ups
Morning Walk / Run with my wife
Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours)
7:30 AM
Daily Mass
6:30 PM
Evening Prayers (Liturgy of the Hours)
Weight Workout - Garage Gym
9:00 PM
Family Rosary
I don't believe in dieting, just eating better, and eating the way that one could for the rest of their life. So snacks will be rare, two good meals a day (Breakfast / Lunch) maybe dinner but very small. That is what has worked so far........

"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook"
Julia Child


Dante said...

Good luck and God bless your efforts, Deacon Pat. I did the same thing several years ago and have kept all the weight off and all the muscle on. I made a pact with myself to hlep keep me in balance: as much time on spiritual muscles as on physical muscles and have also moved on to iclude intellectual muscles (esp with my diaconal formation).

I agree that what works and has ONLY workd for me all these years is a change of lifestyle. I did not "go on a diet"...EVER. Several years back I decided to observe Lent with some seriousness and NO thought or plans of weight loss. Well, Easter found me unexpectedly 15 pounds lighter. I liked that and just kept up my newer way of eating. To make up for less-lunch I began walking the hills of San Francisco during lunchtime. More weight fell off. I was now down 25 pounds.

Then due to PT needed for injury incurred at work (I am also in health care)I began having to go to a PT gym 2x a week. Lost more weight but not a lot because fat was being replaced with muscle. I liked it and then kept THAT up.

Then I discovered power yoga (don't scream...its exercise yoga not meditational or philosophical) and I liked it. Built more muscle (yeah POWER yoga IS muscle building for sure). Lost some more weight. I do it daily now for anywhere from 20-45 min. depending on my time.

Finally slowly transformed some of my walking into jogging time. Got to 3 mile jog 3x week. Lost more weight and loved the runner's high (so to speak). Unfortunately, had an akle injury and jogging may ne out for me...time will tell BUT...

By changing lifestyle on meals and exercise I have lost over 53 pounds (am 6'1", medium bone frame, 170 pounds). AND my prayertimes have increased as well as my time devoted to theological studies and spiritual reading. SO I think overall its a win-win.

I'll be praying for you. Just take it easy because of guys over 45 (well I am, don't know about you)the desire to buff-up and shape-up can often lead to injuries that in the long run set us WAY back. And I am talking from some pride-filled past experiences where I tried to lift and keep up with the younger guys. LOL.


cascade_catholic said...

Yes, I felt that prompting. Been back at it and am starting to build momentum. It's always amazed me how the body reacts to stimuli.

Go for it!