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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Church and Mission

Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


I turn ... to you ... to encourage in each one of you a deeper awareness of Christ's missionary mandate to "make disciples of all peoples" (Mt 28:19) in the footsteps of St. Paul.


The goal of the Church's mission is to illumine all peoples with the light of the Gospel as they journey through history towards God, so that in Him they may reach their full potential and fulfillment.


Proclamation of the Gospel must be for all of us, as it was for the Apostle Paul, a primary and unavoidable duty.


The Church wishes to transform the world through the proclamation of the Gospel of love, "that can always illuminate a world grown dim and give us the courage needed to keep living and working ... and in this way .... cause the light of God to enter into the world" (Deus Caritas Est, 39)

The mission of the Church ... is to call all peoples to the salvation accomplished by God through His incarnate Son. It is therefore necessary to renew our commitment to proclaiming the Gospel, which is a leaven of freedom and progress, brotherhood, unity and peace.


I would "confirm once more that the task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church" (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 14), a duty and a mission which the widespread and profound changes in present- day society render ever more urgent. At stake is the eternal salvation of persons, the goal and fulfillment of human history and the universe.


I ... ask all Catholics to pray to the Holy Spirit for an increase in the Church's passion for her mission to spread the Kingdom of God and to support missionaries and Christian communities involved in mission, in the front line, often in situations of hostility and persecution.

1 comment:

BroJer said...

First, I would like to thank Sean McGaughey for RTing the video on the blog! Guess it is bearing fruit or I would not be here.

As I explored the blog topics, your bio, pics of the family, I came upon the one's of your mother. It is here that I paused, welling up in tears, and began to revisit some of my own loses. We all have them so will not give you the long list that went through my mind.

But then, I began to enter into some self pity. An area that is a danger. I began to compare. Look at what a great life Deacon Pat has, even in the death of his mother. A close family, great looking kids, wonderful supporting wife...yea, that list grew pretty long. You are very blessed Pat, and reading where you are spiritually, I can see you do not take that for-granted! Again, a humble Spirit...another comparison.

I will only say that my journey has been, and is, a rough one. Yet, that is the walk that I am called to live out and there is no fruit in comparing, or wishing that life was different than it is. But while are lives are very different, they are also very much the same.

The Lord sees things in percentages and we can both give 100% to Him and we both have a story to share! Yours, in the hour or so that I have spent learning just a little, is a great inspiration and witness to God's Love! And, while my circumstances may be way different, it is my struggles that are, an inspiration and witness to God's love.

I continued to scroll down the page and BAM! I paused as I saw that sketch of the Pope, and with a smile, began to look at this post. You see Pat, it took me back to the "why" of my calling and walk with the Lord!

I sold my homes, canceled all health insurance, life insurance, sold my grave, gave even the money in the old piggy bank away. (have raised seven children, three still at home, and He has not let me down yet!)

It was in January, 1987, that I started; for the Kingdom Press, to print the One Bread, One Body Devotional and other publications from Presentation Ministries. That...is a piece of my labor! A part of me ...that has born some fruit in you! How cool is that! :)
(way to much to give the whole story here and hope we can share are journey through Skype or another venue someday)

So; I want to thank the Lord for leading me here today through Sean, for allowing me to grieve, get to know you just a little, and yea, even for the little pity party. :)

May the Lord continue to Bless you, your family and your work here, and in all things, that we both give Him ALL the Glory and Honor! Amen!!

Jerry Kohlbrand
aka Bro Jer