Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

33rd Sunday Ordinary Time - Intercessions

That the Church may be a faithful steward of the gift of grace entrusted to her, in order to gather all people into the kingdom of God, We pray to the Lord...
That the Spiritual Leaders of the Church may reflect the love and compassion of Christ and draw their people ever closer to Him, We pray to the Lord...

In gratitude for the many priests who have served the diocese and those who continue in the ministry, may God continue to grant them the grace to be instruments of God’s love and presence, We pray to the Lord...

We pray for the victims of warfare, abuse, neglect, and abortion. That God will continually draw them into his light and instill His power of healing, hope, faith, and peace, We pray to the Lord...

We pray for all those who suffer from despair, especially young people, that God may give them courage to build for the future, We pray to the Lord...

We pray for this community of faith, that we may learn to respond to the signs of the times with wisdom and grace, We pray to the Lord...

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