Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, November 01, 2009

All Hallow's Eve Party (Our Lady Of Mercy Parish)

As we were looking for costumes for the party, Sean said "hey Dad, can I wear your old navy clothes." They actually fit.... You look great Sean.

Our Family: Mackenzie a Fairy, Mom a Weird Jailbird, Dad a Coach, and Sean the Sailor.

Smile ladies...

Beautiful Mackenzie

Art the Engineer

Father Jonathan with the kids

Mark - great costume, and he had the accent down great as well.

AJ the fireman

It was so nice to have so many families come together and spend time visiting and playing in a safe environment.

The little girls were beautiful and they danced all night long.

Two of the young adults.

There was an activity going on in every classroom.

But my favorite room was the "Adult Room" where the beer was cold
and the fellowship was great.

There was plenty of food and CANDY!

The Karaoke room was a hit.

Father Uriel and the kids.

Some of the singers were really good.

It was so much fun!

The Guitar Hero Room

I couldn't believe how good some people are at this game.


The little ones just loved all the excitement!




The guys hanging out in the Adult room.

Boy did the stories get larger and big was that fish that got away?

Some new friendships made as well.


Everyone wanted a turn.

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