Deacon Pat's Books

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Friday, November 20, 2009

The perfect gift for your "30 Something" Priest!

I don't know about you, but I love seeing clergy (priests) wearing their collars. I didn't realize that in some other cultures, many priests often don't wear their roman collars "all the time."
A few years ago we received a young Filipino priest who just loved secular clothes. He would wear his roman collar during regular business hours, but then would change into nice secular clothes.
This behavior seemed very odd to me at first, especially since I had become very good friends with a different young priest a few years prior, and all he would wear was his roman collar, unless we were lifting weights or kayaking. I liked the idea that there was no doubt to anyone around him, nor himself, that he was a priest.
I liked the image, the message that it portrayed, I guess similar to a nun in a habit.... it speaks of God and God's presence.
Well anyway, the t-shirt shown above would be a great gift for that priest who likes to change into regular clothes after business hours........ Think he would notice the creative symbolism?


BroJer said...

Deacon Pat,

I like the concept, yet I have mixed feelings about the issue as a whole. Allow me to explain just a little.

Like you, I had a friend who was here from another culture and liked to dress in casual clothes when we went out. I am also very close to a Priest that is older than me, and he as well, likes to be casual when away from the parish. I have heard what they both had to say and can understand some of how they feel.

The younger Priest believes that it makes him more reachable to others, especially younger people. People who may never approach him had they known he was a priest, get to know HIM not WHAT he is first and then are very often more open to discussion.

The older Priest has been a pastor for over 30 years and the demands have, and are, heavy on him. He likes to just step back, relax and not draw attention to himself as he has given 24/7 for so long. To go out for a meal, movie, shopping, and not be noticed.

Both have said something, in slightly different ways, that has kinda stuck with me, and that is they are always a Priest no matter how they are dressed, that it is "what" they are at all times, but they do need the chance to be just themselves. I know this is not the best way to put it but is the best I can do right now. While a "white jacket" may show someone is a doctor, "blue work clothes" a laborer, they all like to separate themselves from the "WHAT" to just "BE".

I dunno if ole Jer is making any sense. Heck, tired, old, fat, gray, broke..what the heck do I know? :) I am old school and would love to see all priests and religious dress like they did when I was growing up. What I do know about both of these men, is they are holy, love the Lord, Spirit filled, and I respect them both and have been greatly blessed by them.

In Christ, Bro Jer

Deacon Pat said...

Thanks Brother Jerry:

Such wisdom and love in your words...thanks for sharing them.