Each Year our Parish holds an even called "Christmas Around The World."
It is a time where a variety of Cultures share their food, their dance, their song,
and their traditions with each other.
This year we had Americans, Filipino, German, Irish, Vietnamese, Mexican, and Polish to just name a few.

After the Blessing by Father Jonathan, everyone quickly heading off to try some cultural food.

He are some of the Schaefer family sharing their Delicious Sweet Potatoes and Ham (American).

The Filipino food was delicious.

What a great time everyone had sharing their faith, their food, and most importantly a piece of themselves with others.

Here is some Pasole (Mexican).

Vietnamese Food

My wife Liz showing me that she scored big time!

Here is my first plate (Yes I had more than one).

One of my favorite dishes - Pasole.

I don't know what you call it, but it tasted great.

Mackenzie my daughter saying this is Delicious.

Having a deep conversation about the dynamics of Pan Dulce (Sweet Bread).

Many showed up in festive clothing.

We were entertained with traditional dances.

We were reminded of what the season is really about.

And then before I knew it, it was time to clean up, time to put the chairs and tables away, and then time to call it a night. Here is Father Jonathan helping to put the chairs away.

Sister Maura jumped in to help as well.

OK Father, that is the same chair you were holding 5 minutes ago! Hurry it up some.

What, all the work is done.
OK lets go home.
1 comment:
Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Peaceful New Year.
God bless.
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