Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, December 21, 2009

The Young Adults are returning to the Catholic Church

I was at mass a few days ago and after mass my wife and I were visiting with the parishioners. A young man in his mid 20's joined the conversation. He mentioned that he had just returned to the church. He stated that he would come to mass every 5 months or so, but it just hit him, that there was something huge missing in his life, he stated "I need Jesus in my life." And He is back!

I am seeing many young men and women flock back to the church every week. They realize that life is really pretty empty without God, without Jesus, and they come back. Some have been lured into Protestant churches and attended for a while, but they have all said, after the initial appeal and attraction from the lively music and the inspirational preaching settles, they begin to feel that emptiness again. They say the people in the other denominations are great but there is something huge missing, that void becomes apparent again. What they are talking about is the sacraments.

Once you experience the sacraments, there is nothing else that can sustain you in the same way, nor heal and fill you with the same grace.

Welcome back!

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