Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Got Archery?

It was such a beautiful day, we (My brother Kevin, my son Sean, and I) thought we would visit the walking archery range.

After a quick warm up we began the lower 14 station course.

Sean taking aim.

We shot 2 arrows each at each station.

Look at that fancy rig that Kevin uses.

Lets go see where we hit, the target I hope.

Hey, not so bad you guys.

Kevin the Archery Master.

Great aim Sean.

Let me show you guys how to shoot.

Bulls Eye (Not kidding - I called the upper right target and BAM, got it)
what a great end to our day of Archery.

1 comment:

Lady in Blue said...

Didn't know you were an archer! Charles is just learning and got his first "real" bow for his birthday! Wish we were closer to enjoy eachothers company!