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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Special World Communications Day Panel

Today, thanks to Catholic Round-Up, I participated with a panel of people via skype about Pope Benedict’s Messages for World Communications Day, January 24. Listen to the Podcast
At the beginning of the show each panelist was asked to identify a personal patron saint to help guide this conversation.

The guests were:

Sister Anne Flanigan nunblogBlessed James Alberione

Sister Helena Burns Hell BurnsSaints Gabriel and Raphael

Lisa Hendey Catholicmom.comSaint Therese of Lisieux

Sarah Reinhard just another day of Catholic ponderingSt. Michael the Archangel

Deacon Pat Kearns DIAKONIA St. Patrick

Jerry Kohlbrand Bro Jer’s BlogFr. Al Lauer

Father Jim Tucker Catholic Creativity Network Comments from the KoalaArchbishop Fulton Sheen

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