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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Can You Say Liturgical Abuse? (LA Congress 2010)

This past week was the LA Religious Education Congress and although 1000's of people attend, there is grave concern by many of the faithful regarding what actually takes place there.

This is the closing Ceremony of this year's LA Congress.... 
And we wonder why so many Catholics are confused regarding their faith.
(You have to watch the whole clip - Not only Liturgical Dance, but check out the dancing Deacon????)

Listen to What Cardinal Arinze from the Vatican says about liturgical Dance!
Francis Arinze, (born 1 November 1932) is an Igbo Nigerian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He is currently Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, having served as prefect from 2002 to 2008. He is also Cardinal Bishop of Velletri-Segni (succeeding Joseph Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI) since 2005. Arinze was one of the principal advisors to Pope John Paul II, and was considered papabile before the 2005 papal conclave, which elected Benedict XVI.

 What the LA Congress States about themselves:

The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress is the largest annual gathering of its kind in the world. The four-day event is held at the Anaheim (Calif.) Convention Center and is sponsored by the Office of Religious Education, a department of the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Begun in 1968 as an "institute," Congress still keeps the same focus — to teach more about the Catholic faith as well as to advance personal growth. Today the event is open to people of all vocations and different faiths. 
Youth Day (March 18, 2010) – Congress opened on Thursday with a day-long event for high school youth. This is an opportunity for students — not only from the Los Angeles Archdiocese but throughout California and the western states — to come together and share in Liturgy, workshops, entertainment and experience the energy of the Closing Rally.

Congress days (March 19-21) – The remaining three-day weekend is open to adults and young adults and offers more than 200 speakers presenting over 300 workshops, in addition to lunchtime entertainment, evening concerts, Liturgy in a variety of characters, the Exhibit Hall and much more.

The LA Congress is only one of many organizations and events that is destroying our faith and our Church! It is focused at the Catechists (The Teachers of the Faith) and the Youth. In many ways it is instilling ideas and concepts in direct opposition to our Faith. Not unlike Politicians who state they are Catholic yet act in direct opposition to the tenets of the faith, there are also many within the church that are doing the same. We have been inundated with corruption, some deliberate and others out of ignorance, yet the end result is the same, a progressive weakening and destruction of the Church and the Faith. We are at war with this enemy, we are fighting for the existence of our church and our faith. If we do not stand up for the church, the true meaning of Vatican II, we will see our church and faith fade away right before our eyes and our lives.

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