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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Our 150 mile Kayak / Canoe Adventure

Sean ( My Son) and I are planning our 150 mile Kayak / Canoe Adventure for this early Summer.

Heading down the magnificent Sacramento River, we will be leaving our Red Bluff, CA on July 4th and arriving near Sacramento on July 9th.

Our Group: My brothers, Myself, Sean, some of his friends, and anyone else who wants to join us.

The River is mildly swift but calm in the beginning.

And then when we leave town and turn into the wilderness,
we are exposed to beautiful caverns, and picturesque scenery. 

It will be a group of Men doing what Men Love to do.

I am looking forward to the adventures that we will meet along the way. Our last trip, much shorter (35 miles) we were blessed with traveling with river otters, paddling below bald eagles soaring above us, and engulfed in God's creation.

There is something about heading off on an adventure where you really don't know what to expect, that makes the adventure such a spiritual experience.

As we travel in the afternoon, we will be looking for a good camp-spot to tie up and set up camp. I am sure we will have an appetite larger than imaginable, and can share some Irish tales as well.

We will pack plenty of food, but we plan to fish along the journey and eat our catch.

We will bond as a group of men on a journey.

 I am sure, that before we know it, the 6 days and 5 nights will be behind us, the 150 miles of river will feel like just a short jaunt.

So this is one of our excursions planned for this summer, I will enjoy sharing it with you come July.

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