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Friday, March 26, 2010

Our "Seder Meal"

Have you ever wondered what kind of meal Christ shared with his Apostles at the Last Supper?

Although many, especially Jewish people, state that Christ and the Apostles didn't exactly have a Seder Meal, it was very similar and Our Mass has it's roots in the Passover and the Passover Meal.

We were invited to participate in the Parish's Youth Group Seder Meal last night.

The Seder is the joyful family dinner and worship service which is held in Jewish homes on Passover. Seder means order. The Seder consists of a number of ceremonies of extreme antiquity. Through these ceremonies and symbols, we can feel the trials of the Jews of the Exodus - their embittered life of bondage and the joy of their subsequent triumph of freedom.

We began the meal with prayer and ritual.

Then we took our seat on the floor as Christ and the Apostles would have sat, around the table.

Todd, one of the Youth Leaders gave us instructions and many had a part in the ritual.

We intently listened to the history of our ancestors.

Then there was the washing of the feet, as Christ did to the Apostles.

The washing initially started our with laughs, but then with explanation it became more solemn and meaningful.

Then Sean (as Christ) takes the bread, breaks it, gives it to his Apostles and says those very holy words that instituted the Eucharist.

And Brett "The Other Christ," each table had one, did the same in unison.

The meal was very good. It included food that I was not accustomed to eating.

And every meal needs something sweet.

It was a wonderful and spiritual event. The kids, Liz and I,  enjoyed ourselves very much and can see how the kids will see the connection come Holy Thursday and the Mass of the Last Supper and of the washing of the feet.

The Passover meal given here is quite a bit different than that of the Jewish tradition. It has been shortened, simplified and adapted so that families can have a sense of the ceremony.

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