Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

What a Great Day, What a Great Life!

I woke up this morning, completed the morning stretch, drank some coffee, and quickly got ready for Mass.

 Not any old Mass, but Palm Sunday. 

The whole church met in the grotto and we began the Mass presided by Father Jonathan and  I humbly proclaimed Christ's entrance into Jerusalem. Father then blessed the palms and we processed into the church. We proclaimed the passion of the Lord, Father as Christ, I was the Narrator, the Lector John was the voice, and the parishioners were the crowd. What a great way to connect to the event of the passion. 

After Mass, Liz, the kids, and I went to a local restaurant for Breakfast, we hadn't done this in a while, what a great time, eating, visiting, and just enjoying the morning as a family.

 Some of us ate better than others, but what the heck!

After Breakfast, we walked across the parking lot and planned and purchased flowers, plants, fertilizer, etc., for a front yard fixer-er-upper.

We drove home and the girls discussed and then laid out all the flowers and plants and then we all jumped in and got dirty while we planted.

I couldn't help but think as we were all working together, my wife and my kids, 
that we are so blessed to have such a family and to be able to share such wonderful times together.

We are not perfect by no means, but we are sure blessed and have a family that loves each other.

I couldn't help but think that our kids, not unlike these small plants, with proper care, 
protection, and nourishment, they will grow strong, will be vibrant, and can give such joy to others in time.

The kids just left to attend and participate in their Youth Group, both kids together, enjoying each other, 
their faith, their friends, and their life. 

Thank you God for all that you do for us and for the world.

1 comment:

Mark San Miguel said...

That was a great day. Ain't life grand!