Deacon Pat's Books

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Church is not a social hall - How do you dress for church?

How do you dress for church?

Listen to these wise words from the holy priest!

The next time, hopefully this Sunday, you go to church,
think about who you are truly going to see, and dress for Him!

1 comment:

Deacon Jimmy said...

So true. I have yet to figure out how to tell our music minister that the holes in his T-shirt and the lettering all ragged on them is not proper so he will listen. One morning I asked him if he didn't have time to change before coming to mass. All he said was, "Yea?????"

I have also been told that that's how the young people are buying there clothes brand new. It seems to be called the 'worn look?' Well, I wish they would 'wear' it somewhere else.

Thanks for this post and I hope more people see this.