Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Confirmation, Grotto Blessing and Dinner with the Bishop.

We drove up to beautiful Mount Shasta.

and arrived at Saint Anthony's Parish.

It is a small mountain church, about 400 families.

Immediately I recognized the beautiful altar stained glass that has become a trademark of Father Canny. 
We have a similar one in our parish, thanks to Father Canny.

Then the bishop arrived and Mass began.
(Yes that is me, with my good friends Deacon Rich and Father Canny, along with Bishop Soto.)

Opening Prayer

Here are the children receiving their confirmation.

I began by reading the Bishops part of the prayer, quick fix and all went well.

Father Tim (The Bishop's Assistant) making sure all went smooth.

A reminder of what this is all about and who is present in the tabernacle.

 Receiving the gifts.

Beginning the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

There is something so very special about serving a Bishop at Mass.

You could feel Christ's presence.

The honor of serving Christ's Precious Blood.

Our Bishop.

Then we gathered at the New Grotto for the dedication and blessing.

There was a great crown that attended the ceremony.

The Blessing.

There were even a group of bikers that came. 
At first they looked a little intimidating, but then realizing that they were Catholic, everything changed.

The Bishops visiting with one of the Bikers.

Father Canny and Bishop Soto joining the club! 
Watch out "Hell's Angels"!

Giving Father Canny a few pointers.

Actually, Father Canny was their Pastor 18 years ago and they came many miles for the dedication of yet another grotto. Every Parish that Father has been assigned to he has establish a grotto in respect and honor to Mother Mary.

Sacraments on wheels.

The Grotto.

Not large in size, but beautiful and an oasis for prayer.

Our Lady

Inside the cove, a wonderful painting on the ceiling.

A closer look

A view from behind the grotto, a lovely place.

Give it a month or two and there will be blooming flowers everywhere.

Father Canny said that out of the 400 parish families, at least 260 helped with the project. That says a lot!

And then Liz and I were invited to have dinner with the Bishop and a few local priests.

We had great food and were spoiled by the Host (Father Canny) and enjoyed the conversation.

After being on a diet for many months, the rich food was even more delicious.

It was a perfect day!

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