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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Kids - Not Your Average Kid Next Door

Here are a group of kids that any parent would be proud to call their own.

By the grace of God, and parenting focused on Catholic Character and virtue, they are leading and living lives that many youth might call weird, because they are fighting most of the traps that most youth fall prey to today.

They fall in love and care for each other not unlike all youth, but they also put their Christian principles first and honor each other in line with being chaste.

But sometimes they need a little reminder from the father....... Thanks DAD!

The kids have been taking "Ballroom Dancing" Classes....and they can really dance.

The have realized that having a group of friends that are all striving to live lives of virtue, can also have a lot of fun as well. Life is much more beautiful than the lies and deceptions promoted on TV and the media.

Pure Happiness

Girls today are under tremendous pressure, and are constantly feed lies about what it means to be a woman. We need to do all that we can to teach and support chastity, femininity, true motherhood, and family values. These are just the areas that the devil and the forces of evil relentlessly attack.

God made girls to be beautiful and pure and to remain so throughout their lives. They are to love life, have joyful friendships, meet the man of their dreams, court and if deemed providential to marry, they will unite in a holy and sacramental marriage, consecrate the bond together with the marital embrace that has been reserved through discipline and self respect, and then create and raise a family grounded in faith and Christian virtue.

These are the type of kids that can change the world. 

With proper guidance, love, parenting, and God's grace, they can very much not look like, nor act like most of the youth of the world. They can withstand the pressure of the Pagan society, and by their example can be a holy light to the world.

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