Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spiritual and Physical Nourishment

We grabbed the Kids and Amanda and drove to Chico (1 1/2 Hours away) to attend a "Life Teen Mass."

The Music was what would be expected for a "Youth Mass," but I must say, it was done very well, not overly loud, not excessive, only during the proper times, and reverently played and sung. I was very impressed!

 The Mass was celebrated by Father Berg who not only gave a very insightful message in his homily, he was also very funny, but also very deep, all while maintaining a respectful and reverent demeanor. The mass was lively at times with youthful music, but still allowed for contemplation and didn't look any different from what we expect a Catholic Mass to look like. It was a great opportunity (after Mass) to talk to and teach the kids what a "Youth-Directed Mass" should look like. What is allowed and what isn't. The kids got it!

Then we decided to grab a bite to eat.

We met up with our friend Debbie (Who also met us at Mass) to enjoy a meal together.

However, we didn't think of making a reservation, and the restaurant was packed.

They gave us a beeper / pager and we waited until they could seat us.

They not only cook and prepare wonderful food, but 16 different beers as well.

The kids were starving (so what's new) and it didn't take long to decide what to order.

The ladies decided to try a light summer beer.

Unable to make up my mind, I had to settle for 1 of each.

Each beer had a distinct and unique flavor.

Then the food arrived.

That Burger looks great.

You girls are having just too much fun.....

Mackenzie helped me choose what beer to drink and in what order.....

It wasn't long and I completed the task on trying each of their beers.

Then it hit me, all my beer was gone.

However, all was not lost, we found a great way to end such a sweet night...... being spiritually fed with such a wonderful Mass, and physically fed with great food, exceptional drink, and heavenly company.

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