Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Church - More Than Just a Building.

CHURCH – More Than Just a Building

An exciting Novel written
By Deacon Pat Kearns.

Deacon Pat Kearns is an ordained Roman Catholic Deacon and has incorporated the beauty of the faith, along with fictitious characters in this exciting Novel creating an experience that will capture your senses and draws you into the spectacular worlds of Bentley Morgan, Father Frances Garcia, Lane Neil, Father Juan Nantez, and Forrest, not to mention so many others.

Bentley Morgan – A man who has experienced great tragedy and finds himself immersed in pain and disillusionment. Following a vision to find meaning and purpose in his life he travels a wild and eventful journey to Guatemala.

Father Frances Garcia – A humble parish priest desperately struggling to maintain the traditions of the faith, serving his parishioners, and battling against the evils of the modern culture. He enjoys Snow Boarding, Kayaking and takes us along on his adventures with twists and turns around every corner.

Lane Neil, RN – A pagan woman with a past, experiences job burnout and then begins a journey that flips her life upside-down. She stumbles across a Trappist Monastery and this encounter changes her life forever.

Father Juan Nantez – A Canon Lawyer with solidly traditional roots and who has been assigned to the most liberal and progressive diocese in the United States. He finds himself battling against a powerful opposition with sensational trials, unexpected encounters, and even a few miracles.

Forrest – A handsome and peculiar 16-year-old boy with a brilliant mind and the ability to change the world. He leads us on adventures that are not only thrilling, but also painful and glorious while attempting to fill a deep void within him.

You will quickly find yourself immersed in the lives of these characters; experiencing their pain, their struggles, their triumphs, and evening laughing and crying with these new found friends.

To be Released: EASTER 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4276-5123-5
(I will also have copies available for purchase on my blogs for a discounted price)


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