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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mary and her Perpertual Virginity

As I was greeting parishioners after Mass last evening a man approached me and asked "explain to me how Mary was and remained a Virgin?" I thought to myself....WOW - how do I explain this in 30 seconds or less as the parishioners were beginning to line up and as they were exiting the church. I did my best by giving the consolidated version, however there was so much more to be said.

Here is an article my Mark Shea as follows:

For most of Christian history, Mary’s perpetual virginity was a commonplace belief, even well into the Protestant Reformation. But in our hyper-sexualized culture – and, like it or not, this is the culture in which Christians and non-Christians are now submerged like fish in the sea – people find it extremely difficult to contemplate the possibility of a life of virginity as anything but one of unbearable deprivation. So before we ever get to discussing what Scripture says about the perpetual virginity of Mary, we’ve got a gigantic cultural hostility to virginity to overcome. 

Click here for the rest of the article.

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