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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Me and My Parents

I was going through and old album and found this great picture of me and my parents. I don't remember this day, or even the cross, in a way, that's what makes this photo so great. Yes, that is me, and those are my parents, but I cannot remember this at all.
Some thoughts:
I just had the thought that sooo much happens in our life that we forgot about.
Or, do we!!!
I have begun to think that everything that happens to us somehow becomes a part of us. Maybe it leaves our memory for awhile, maybe forever, maybe not, but the experience or lesson becomes a part of who we are.
At times I think about what we are trying to teach our children and wonder if they will remember the point. I especially ponder the idea that we are trying soo hard to teach the very important things in life (i.e. virtues, faith, etc) and are they really listening, really hearing, or is it even making an impact.
I then think of my parents and how they raised me. Even though we went to church each week and I received the sacraments, I cannot remember once my parents talking to me as a child about faith.
BUT, looking at the picture:
It seems apparent that they did teach lesons of the faith, and I just don't remember. Those forgotten lesson however have helped form who I am, who I am becomming, and who I will eventually be.
Once again, finding this picture is a little reassurance and motivation to just keep teaching, even if the kids don't appear to remember.
Lessons Taught, might not be remembered, but will be Lessons Learned.
God is sooo Good

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